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SwedenSwedenHoist Finance AB

· Nasdaq Stockholm
· Valuta i SEK
Nasdaq Stockholm
I dag %
I dag +/-
Omsetning (Volum)
338 231
· Nasdaq Stockholm
· Valuta i SEK
Nasdaq Stockholm
· Nasdaq Stockholm · Valuta i SEK
· Valuta i SEK
Nasdaq Stockholm
Utvikling i dag
Omsetning (Volum)
338 231
Kvartalsrapport (Q1)
30 dager siden50min
0,00 SEK/aksje
Siste utbytte


58 798
53 126

Siste handler

Volumvektet snittpris (VWAP)
Volumvektet snittpris (VWAP)
Omsetning (SEK)
19 879 532

Det er viktig at du er klar over at aksjemarkedet kan både øke og minke i verdi. Selv om sparing i aksjer historisk sett har gitt god avkastning over tid, er det ingen garanti for fremtidig utvikling. Det er alltid en risiko for at du ikke får tilbake pengene du har investert.


Fant ingen data


2024 Kvartalsrapport (Q2)
26. juli
2023 Generalforsamling7. mai
2024 Kvartalsrapport (Q1)3. mai
2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q4)7. feb.
2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q3)27. okt. 2023
2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q2)28. juli 2023
Data hentes fra Millistream, Quartr

Relaterte produkter

Ingen Nordnet Markets -sertifikater er tilgjengelig med det underliggende verdipapiret. Vis andre -sertifikater

Kunder besøkte også

Nyheter og Analyser

Nyheter og/eller generelle investeringsanbefalinger, eller utdrag av disse på denne siden og øvrige lenker, er produsert og levert av den spesifiserte leverandøren. Nordnet har ikke deltatt i utarbeidelsen, og har ikke gjennomgått eller gjort endringer i materialet. Les mer om investeringsanbefalinger.
Kvartalsrapport (Q1)
30 dager siden50min

Nyheter og Analyser

Nyheter og/eller generelle investeringsanbefalinger, eller utdrag av disse på denne siden og øvrige lenker, er produsert og levert av den spesifiserte leverandøren. Nordnet har ikke deltatt i utarbeidelsen, og har ikke gjennomgått eller gjort endringer i materialet. Les mer om investeringsanbefalinger.


2024 Kvartalsrapport (Q2)
26. juli
2023 Generalforsamling7. mai
2024 Kvartalsrapport (Q1)3. mai
2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q4)7. feb.
2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q3)27. okt. 2023
2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q2)28. juli 2023
Data hentes fra Millistream, Quartr

Relaterte produkter

Ingen Nordnet Markets -sertifikater er tilgjengelig med det underliggende verdipapiret. Vis andre -sertifikater


Bli med i samtalen på SharevilleEt fellesskap av investorer som deler innsikt og kunnskap i sine porteføljer.
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  • for 3 døgn siden
    for 3 døgn siden
    Wow, det här är stort! 10 miljarder i portfölj köp.
    for 3 døgn siden
    for 3 døgn siden
    Lowell Q1 report Sale of a selection of portfolios across two transactions:  €12m to an ongoing partner in DACH region; and  €124m to an investment vehicle funded by Hoist Finance AB; further strengthening the strategic relationship Looks to me that it is about 1.5 Milliard SEK
    for 3 døgn siden
    for 3 døgn siden
    jo, jag frågade IR och de skrev att 10 miljarder var nominellt belopp. Så mer som du säger 1.5 miljarder i portföljvärde.
  • 24. mai
    24. mai
    Det tog tid men nu är jag på ordentligt plus tycker inte att aktien är för dyra ännu funderar om jag ska öka tittar också på andra spelare i samma bransch sprida risken
    26. mai
    26. mai
    There is no other similar company to compare. Axactor, B2, Lowell, Intrum all have a different operating model. Next 1-2 years Hoist has advantage on all due to high interests. Good you are on plus, I think (but not sure) we will see the company earnings increase significantly if they manage to increase portfolio from 26B to 36B they said they would. I think 40% increase in portfolio may double the profit as >%50 costs look to be fixed cost. If they can manage that, the stock should really see a push somewhere it has not been before. Still, these are my own ideas and people should their own judgement and decision
  • 19. mai
    19. mai
    hi guys I made some early guesstimates for 2024 earnings. Please note that this is a personal guess and is not any recommendation for sell or buy. Also, the numbers are fictive and you must not take them serious. Always use your own judgement and never take these guesses serious. I take Q1 numbers as baseline as it is without any impairments, temporarily costs of remuneration from 2023. I look for Q3 and Q4 and then will take average of Q3 and Q1 for calculating guess for Q2. I assume acquirement portfolio of 2B SEK per quarter. Collection for Q1 is 985. I guess that collections follow new portfolio's about 1.5Q and this is also a quess. We have already seen about 2B per quarter for last two quarters to note it. Q3 collection may then be (2+2)/26 increase, which makes a collection of 1.15B I assume interest expenses are around 200M. I assume impairments gains of about 140M I assume expenses is 400 is following portfolio and 300M is fixed. From there, I assume 760M in total expenses. From here, I assume 1150-200+140-760+10 and came to 340. From here, about 70 is tax. Then 60 to Tier1 capital holders, and 88M shares. This gives about 2.5kr. Any mistake or overseen you think I did in the guesses?
  • 10. mai
    10. mai
    Cherry Bank and Sorec acquire an NPL portfolio worth over 1,2 billion from Hoist Finance On 8 May 2024 Cherry Bank, a credit institution specialized in business support services, in the creation of value from the transformation of NPL portfolios and in the purchase of tax credits, and Sorec, a leading company in the processing of financial, banking and insurance credits which has been investing directly in portfolios since 2010 Npl, announce the joint purchase of a portfolio of "Non performing loans" (Npl) with a nominal value of over 1,2 billion euros of ownership of securitization vehicles referred to Hoist Finance. The secondary market operation concerns a portfolio made up of consumer credits for a total of over 200 thousand credit lines. With respect to the purchase, approximately 840 million GBV, or approximately 63.000 lines will be owned by Cherry Bank, while approximately 430 million GBV, or 141.000 lines will be added to Sorec's proprietary portfolio.
  • 7. mai
    Då får vi see om de annonserar ett nytt återköpspaket idag.
    7. mai
    It was point 18 but it was more of a: "we would like the option to do a buyback" Now we will have to wait and see if they use it.
    8. mai
    8. mai
    tak, det kan godt være de venter indtil Slut Q2.
Kommentarene ovenfor kommer fra brukere på Nordnets sosiale nettverk Shareville og er verken redigert eller forhåndsvist av Nordnet. De innebærer ikke at Nordnet gir investeringsråd eller investeringsanbefalinger. Nordnet påtar seg ikke ansvar for kommentarene.
Kvartalsrapport (Q1)
30 dager siden50min
0,00 SEK/aksje
Siste utbytte

Nyheter og Analyser

Nyheter og/eller generelle investeringsanbefalinger, eller utdrag av disse på denne siden og øvrige lenker, er produsert og levert av den spesifiserte leverandøren. Nordnet har ikke deltatt i utarbeidelsen, og har ikke gjennomgått eller gjort endringer i materialet. Les mer om investeringsanbefalinger.
0,00 SEK/aksje
Siste utbytte


Bli med i samtalen på SharevilleEt fellesskap av investorer som deler innsikt og kunnskap i sine porteføljer.
Logg inn
  • for 3 døgn siden
    for 3 døgn siden
    Wow, det här är stort! 10 miljarder i portfölj köp.
    for 3 døgn siden
    for 3 døgn siden
    Lowell Q1 report Sale of a selection of portfolios across two transactions:  €12m to an ongoing partner in DACH region; and  €124m to an investment vehicle funded by Hoist Finance AB; further strengthening the strategic relationship Looks to me that it is about 1.5 Milliard SEK
    for 3 døgn siden
    for 3 døgn siden
    jo, jag frågade IR och de skrev att 10 miljarder var nominellt belopp. Så mer som du säger 1.5 miljarder i portföljvärde.
  • 24. mai
    24. mai
    Det tog tid men nu är jag på ordentligt plus tycker inte att aktien är för dyra ännu funderar om jag ska öka tittar också på andra spelare i samma bransch sprida risken
    26. mai
    26. mai
    There is no other similar company to compare. Axactor, B2, Lowell, Intrum all have a different operating model. Next 1-2 years Hoist has advantage on all due to high interests. Good you are on plus, I think (but not sure) we will see the company earnings increase significantly if they manage to increase portfolio from 26B to 36B they said they would. I think 40% increase in portfolio may double the profit as >%50 costs look to be fixed cost. If they can manage that, the stock should really see a push somewhere it has not been before. Still, these are my own ideas and people should their own judgement and decision
  • 19. mai
    19. mai
    hi guys I made some early guesstimates for 2024 earnings. Please note that this is a personal guess and is not any recommendation for sell or buy. Also, the numbers are fictive and you must not take them serious. Always use your own judgement and never take these guesses serious. I take Q1 numbers as baseline as it is without any impairments, temporarily costs of remuneration from 2023. I look for Q3 and Q4 and then will take average of Q3 and Q1 for calculating guess for Q2. I assume acquirement portfolio of 2B SEK per quarter. Collection for Q1 is 985. I guess that collections follow new portfolio's about 1.5Q and this is also a quess. We have already seen about 2B per quarter for last two quarters to note it. Q3 collection may then be (2+2)/26 increase, which makes a collection of 1.15B I assume interest expenses are around 200M. I assume impairments gains of about 140M I assume expenses is 400 is following portfolio and 300M is fixed. From there, I assume 760M in total expenses. From here, I assume 1150-200+140-760+10 and came to 340. From here, about 70 is tax. Then 60 to Tier1 capital holders, and 88M shares. This gives about 2.5kr. Any mistake or overseen you think I did in the guesses?
  • 10. mai
    10. mai
    Cherry Bank and Sorec acquire an NPL portfolio worth over 1,2 billion from Hoist Finance On 8 May 2024 Cherry Bank, a credit institution specialized in business support services, in the creation of value from the transformation of NPL portfolios and in the purchase of tax credits, and Sorec, a leading company in the processing of financial, banking and insurance credits which has been investing directly in portfolios since 2010 Npl, announce the joint purchase of a portfolio of "Non performing loans" (Npl) with a nominal value of over 1,2 billion euros of ownership of securitization vehicles referred to Hoist Finance. The secondary market operation concerns a portfolio made up of consumer credits for a total of over 200 thousand credit lines. With respect to the purchase, approximately 840 million GBV, or approximately 63.000 lines will be owned by Cherry Bank, while approximately 430 million GBV, or 141.000 lines will be added to Sorec's proprietary portfolio.
  • 7. mai
    Då får vi see om de annonserar ett nytt återköpspaket idag.
    7. mai
    It was point 18 but it was more of a: "we would like the option to do a buyback" Now we will have to wait and see if they use it.
    8. mai
    8. mai
    tak, det kan godt være de venter indtil Slut Q2.
Kommentarene ovenfor kommer fra brukere på Nordnets sosiale nettverk Shareville og er verken redigert eller forhåndsvist av Nordnet. De innebærer ikke at Nordnet gir investeringsråd eller investeringsanbefalinger. Nordnet påtar seg ikke ansvar for kommentarene.


58 798
53 126

Siste handler

Volumvektet snittpris (VWAP)
Volumvektet snittpris (VWAP)
Omsetning (SEK)
19 879 532

Det er viktig at du er klar over at aksjemarkedet kan både øke og minke i verdi. Selv om sparing i aksjer historisk sett har gitt god avkastning over tid, er det ingen garanti for fremtidig utvikling. Det er alltid en risiko for at du ikke får tilbake pengene du har investert.


Fant ingen data

Kunder besøkte også


2024 Kvartalsrapport (Q2)
26. juli
2023 Generalforsamling7. mai
2024 Kvartalsrapport (Q1)3. mai
2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q4)7. feb.
2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q3)27. okt. 2023
2023 Kvartalsrapport (Q2)28. juli 2023
Data hentes fra Millistream, Quartr

Relaterte produkter

Ingen Nordnet Markets -sertifikater er tilgjengelig med det underliggende verdipapiret. Vis andre -sertifikater